Monday, January 27, 2020
Environmental Problems In The Superstructure Construction Construction Essay
Environmental Problems In The Superstructure Construction Construction Essay To identify the environmental problems in the superstructure construction, we need to recognize the environmental aspect of this site. So that identifies the environmental impact or problems. According to the ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management system, it lists out several environmental aspects a) emissions to air, b) releases to water, c) releases to land, d) use of raw materials and natural resources, e) use of energy, f) energy emitted, e.g. heat, radiation, vibration, g) waste and by-products, and h) physical attributes, e.g. size, shape, colour, appearance. Environmental aspect and impact Emissions to air During construction, all the material e.g. ready mixed concrete truck will deliver to the site by trucks or other vehicles, any transportation method to the site will require fuel to run. Thus they will release some pollutant to the air like CO, CO2, NO, NO2à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ Impact Global warming will become more obviously. Although CO2 can maintain the temperature in the earth, excessive CO2 emission will cause green house effect. If the temperature continuous rise, it will become a big disaster for example the mean sea level will increase and the land will drown due to the ice in polar is melted. On the other hand, some of the pollutant will affect the health of human for example NO2 can irritate the lungs and lower resistance to respiratory infection such as influenza. Releases to water Due to the statutory requirement in Hong Kong, the exit of the site must install a wheel washing system to avoid any dust or pollutants bring to outside environment by vehicles. This kind of system will consume so much water and the water will be soil water. Any discharging of waste water will cause pollution. Impact If the waste water is directly discharged to the soil without any treatment, the toxic chemical inside the water will affect the existing plants or tree. The soil will store the toxic contaminant even passing many years. Also, the waste water will create a bad smell to environment. They may not damage the human health, but the bad smell will affect the working condition for worker. Releases to land The site area will divide to several parts for storage area. However this kind of material may be highly corrosion to the existing land for example cement is acidic and the soil is alkali. When cement is leakage to the soil, the soil original property will change and harmful the existing tree and plants. Impact The soil contamination will happen; the soil will become harmful to the existing tree and plant. This effect will not disappear in a short time; it is a long term effect. Use of raw materials and natural resources Timber is one kind of natural resources. It made by tree e.g. hard wood, soft wood. In building construction, timber is playing a very important role of construction material. The most commonly type is timber formwork. Before discharging the fresh concrete, timber formwork will form the fresh concrete to required shape. However the timber formwork cannot use many times because the fresh concrete will corrode the timber formwork. Impact The tree needs to take long time to grow, so timber will not provide without limit. In addition, there are many other products made by timber like furniture, paperà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ If the timber is over used and the timber becomes less production, it will very inconvenient for human life. Moreover the tree have a function to absorb the CO2, so when more and more tree disappear, the situation of global warning will get worse. Also the root of the tree can hold tightly to the soil, when the tree is cut, more chance to happen landslide in sloping area. Use of energy and f) energy emitted All the equipments will require electricity to operate in the site for example some hand tools use by worker, lighting system, passenger hoist and material hoist. On the other hand the machine will consume fuel to operate during excavation or transportation. During piling work on the site, the piling process will create big noise and vibration to the environment. Nevertheless, other construction process will also generate big impaction to environment. Impact Since the electricity is come from the fossil fuel by generator, the fossil fuel will create lot of containments like CO2 when burn them. As the above mention, CO2 will lead to green house effect and global warming will appear. Huge vibration will easily get settlement in adjacent buildings. Also the noise will annoy people and become noise pollution. Waste and by-products and h) physical attributes, They are almost same as the above mention. Reference Safety plan What is a safety plan? Safety plan is a document to direct the safety activity for a project. The main idea of the safety plan is to minimize the accident which causes worker injury and any hazard of their health. It will include the following things 1.Safety Policy, 2.Safety Organization, 3.Safety Training, 4.In-house Safety rules regulations, 5.Safety Committee, 6.Programme for inspection of hazardous conditions, 7.Job hazard analyze, 8.Person Protection Programme (PPP), 9.Accident/incident investigation, 10.Emergency preparedness, 11.Safety Promotion, 12.Health Assurance Programme, 13.Evaluation selection and control of subcontractor, 14.Process control programme Safety Policy We need to follow the statutory requirements Factory Industrial Undertakings Ordinance and Regulations Dangerous Goods Ordinance and Regulations Electricity Ordinance Fire Services Ordinance Builders Lifts and Tower Working Platforms (Safety) Ordinance Any related ordinances and regulations Safety Organization The following safety responsibilities should be clearly assigned: Monitoring the implementation and compliance of the Site Safety Plan Arrangement for regular reporting and communication Preparation of method statement, hazard identification survey, risk assessment and establishment of risk control system and monitoring its effectiveness and progress Training and promotion communicating with the enforcement agencies and outside advisory sources Reactive action to staff suggestion Subcontractors First-aid officer, competent persons and examiners 3. Safety Training To ensure the worker can use the machine properly to speed up the construction sequence and avoid the accident happening. The project should provide the following training like: Aerial Lift Operator Training Crane Operator Training Defensive Driver Training Powered Industrial Truck Operator Training Before the work start, it should have a site orientation or induction of training. The orientations provide a forum for the owner/managing contractor to convey its commitment to provide a safe working environment for all individuals on the job site. There also is an opportunity to remind everyone of their responsibility to give due consideration to safety while planning and conducting their work. This is the time to reinforce their responsibility not to expose others on the job site to risks or hazards. 4. In-house Safety rules regulations The entire worker in the site must wear the safety helmet and when the worker needs to wear the safety rope before they require working in height. The worker should wear the air-purifying respirators like mask to avoid any harmful contaminants inhale to worker body. Before the worker start to work, they must have suitable certificate with the corresponded safety training course. So the worker can prove they have required ability to work. Confined Space Certified Worker Safety Training Course Forklift Truck Operator License Examination Course Safety Training Course for Electric Arc Welding Manual Lifting and Handling Competent Person Safety Training Course Electrician License A Trade Test Preparation Course Electrician License B Trade Test Preparation Course Safety Committee Establish regularly coordinating meeting and site safety committee arrangement. Programme for inspection of hazardous conditions Regular inspection on the site the time interval is based on the past performance and hazard profile. Establish the inspection profile like compliance and safety walk and responsible personnel (including site senior management, safety officers and safety supervisors) Using the checklist to ensure they are fulfilled the standard. Job hazard analyze There are many hazards on the site like: Fall from height Falling objects Stepping on or striking against object Hazards associated with operation of machinery, transport and earth moving equipment such as concrete mixing plants, trucks, bulldozers, excavators etc. Hazards associated with lifting of materials, both mechanical and manual. Electrical hazards Fire hazards Chemical hazards Collapse of earth during excavation, slope cutting After we identify the corresponding the risk of the hazard, we can arrange the suitable solution to minimize the accident. Person Protection Programme (PPP) We must ensure that the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is the last resort after exhausting the hazard control. The PPE includes Safety helmet, safety footwear, UV protection (e.g. long sleeve shirts, wide brim hats, 15+ sunscreen) and eye, hearing and respiratory protection The selection and procurement must choose appropriate PPE with the qualification. We should provide suitable training to the worker to show how to use, storage and maintenance of the PPE. For example, we need to provide the safety helmets cabinet to store them. Accident/incident investigation Establish a system of notification, recording and reporting. We should provide some systematic arrangement for investigation and implementation of remedial measures to curb further recurrence. Structured approach for compiling and analyzing accident Statistics. Arrangement for studying the trends of accidents and formulate strategies for enhancement of performance. Emergency preparedness For small fire accident, it should provide the suitable fire-extinguisher e.g. water CO2, foamà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ to stamp out the fire. For large fire accident, all the construction work must stop and follow the emergency routes to escape. Also, alarm system should be provided to remind worker to escape. For heavy typhoon like signal 8 and the red and black signal of the rainstorm, all the construction work must stop. We should provide the emergency manual on the site which contains: An emergency plan Floor plans and layout showing emergency exits, firefighting equipment Diagrams and layout of dangerous goods stores Telephone numbers of key company personnel, the police, etc. A list of outside bodies qualified to assist with special problem Safety Promotion We should have regularly meeting to the worker on site to promote the safety construction. Also we can establish the award and penalty system e.g. pay safety. If they can fulfill the safety requirement, they can get extra money. Otherwise, it will be reverse. Using the posters, magazines, newsletters, accident statistics displays video to increase the safety awareness of the worker. Health Assurance Programme We should provide some system such as pre-employment and medical examination programme for monitoring the exposure of labour. Noise control and provide suitable ear protector to the worker if they need to work in high noise area. Provide enough toilet facilities, hand washing, drinking water, resting and eating place and facilities for storage of personal protective equipment. Evaluation selection and control of subcontractor Means of communication and coordination with subcontractors and their employees and appropriate sub-contractor control. We must provide properly test system to check that all tools, materials and substances used by the subcontractors comply with statutory requirements. Establish some systems for reviewing subcontractors performance. For example if the sub-contractor cannot fulfill the standard, they will be exchanged. Process control programme Arrangement and procedures for ensuring that safety rules, and working sequence have been established and implemented for all safety and health aspects, and in particular a safe system of work, safe working method statement and permit-to-work system for highly risky operations, including but not limited to the following: Management of the Place of Work Fire Arrangements including precautions and firefighting equipment Work in confined spaces Working at height House keeping Protection against falling objects Management of Tasks and Operations Excavations Lifting operations Mechanical materials handling Temporary works Management of Equipment, Plant, Materials and Services Compressed air tools Electricity supply system Electrical works Portable tools Two main hurdles for the implementation of safety plan I think the money and labour safety awareness are two main hurdles. Since the money is the main domino of the whole project. Provide the safety training to the worker will spend extra time in the whole construction project. Some clients will argue that why dont we spend the time to work to speed up the whole project. Also, we need to use some human resource to supervise the construction process. Since the main purpose of the construction company is making profits. Even the project manager knows that the higher quality and standard of the personal protective equipment will be more safety. However, it will pay more money and increase the total construction cost. From the above reason, the project manager will do the minimize things of the statutory requirement; they will not do the best about the safety, so that they can have maximum return in the construction project. The other hurdle for the implementation of safety is the safety awareness of the worker. The labour will think that the personal protective equipment is very inconvenient for work. For example, they think that wear safety rope work in height will disturb their working. It is because the safety rope will limit the working area. And if they only work for few minutes at height, they will not wear them due to require extra work. Also, the worker cannot correctly use the PPE, so they cannot function properly. Quality plan The main elements of the quality are the following things: Management responsibility We need to define different quality duty of different position of Executive Committee, Project Manager, Construction Quality Assurance Manager, Design Quality Assurance Manager, Sampling and Testing Personnel, Staff Inspectors, Testing Technician, Geotechnical Engineer Pile Driving Analyst, QA Surveyor and Construction Manager. For example the duty of the Project Manager is responsible for organization and maintenance of a document control system for all quality data, coordinate quality check point in quality control programme reviews, and ensure reviews coordinated with outside entities. Objective of the quality plan Consistency meets the standard and requirement of the client To deliver the project on time with agree quality and prize To maintain and continually improve the quality of management systems To maintain and continually improve the quality of whole project Establish the quality policy To achieve the highest standard and quality of the project, it should be provided highly professional construction team. Establish the long term relationship between supplier and sub-contractor Follow the standard of ISO9001_2008. The construction work must under the supervision and inspection by authorize people. Provide training to the worker who is the first time come on the site. When any problems arise, the solving method should not be downgraded the target quality. Communicate the expectations of this Policy to all employees and stakeholders. Fulfill the client requirement Treating all our employees with respect, equality and fairness Resource management For human resource, we need to provide training to teach them how to properly use the equipments. Also demonstrate the require standard for them to reach the require quality. For material purchase and selection, we need to choose a properly material with suitable budget. Since the prize will directly affect the quality, so the budget arrangement is very important. Well-known and reputation supplier company should be selected to ensure the material quality. Inspection testing and quality audit We should establish the acceptable standard to the worker like accepted level of defection. After the standard is published, we need to provide suitable testing to ensure that they can reach the require standard. Then, it will be recorded for future improvement. An internal quality audit system will introduce in this project and it will be implemented during each phase of the project. Document control Establish the recording system and process to control Project Documents at each Project Phase. Ensure that the latest information is provided to the all staff and workers, so they shall use the update information to process the construction work. Two main hurdles for the implementation of quality plan The Purpose of a Project Quality Plan Task 2 Social obligations and professional responsibilities of legal and ethical issues According to the Hong Kong Institute of Construction Management, the project manager shall: in fulfilling their professional responsibilities and the duties which they undertake, have full regard to the public interest. demonstrate a level of competence consistent with their professional. ensure, when undertaking any other construction related activity, that all such work is in accordance with good practice and current standards and complies with all statutory and contractual requirements; at no time improperly offer or accept gifts or favors which would be affect the client to obtain preferential treatment; keep them informed of current thinking and developments appropriate to the type and level of their responsibility. They should be able to provide evidence that they have undertaken sufficient study and personal development to fulfill their professional obligations in accordance with the current guidelines not offer or provide whether to a prospective Client or a third party any gift or favor whether in money or otherwise designed to secure instructions for work not undertake work for which they knowingly lack sufficient professional or technical competence, or the adequate resources to meet their obligation Social obligations and professional responsibilities of client protection The project manager shall: not divulge to any person, firm or company any information of a confidential nature relating to the business activities or processes of their Employer or Client acquired during the course of their work; not, without the permission of their Employer or Client, render any services, with or without remuneration, which conflicts with the interests of their Employer or Client; ensure, when providing an advisory service, that the advice given is fair and unbiased; if undertaking any other construction related activity be required to maintain insurances and indemnify their Client against the risks for which insurance is commonly effected arising out of the works in respect of workmen, third parties and adjoining properties; when acting for a Client or when in contemplation of acting for a prospective Client whose interests conflict or may conflict with his own, or those of any of his associates to disclose the relevant facts forthwith to the Client or prospective Client and to the associate and where such disclosure is oral to confirm the same in writing at the earliest opportunity and inform the Client that he shall be unable to act or continue to act unless the Client requests him to do so; keep in one or more bank accounts separate from his own, his firms or his companys bank account (as the case may be) any Clients money held by or entrusted to him, his firm or his company in any capacity other than that of beneficial owner; account at the due time for all moneys held, paid or received on behalf of or from any person (whether a Client or not) entitled to such account and whether or not after the taking of such account any payment is due to such person.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Hbr Cases Csr Outsourcing in Tangers 2 P
CASE STUDY: Multinational Outsourcing and CSR. Inditex: The worldwide outsourcing garment industry and social community development in Morocco Intermon claims that pressures on foreign clothing suppliers are smothering employees. [â⬠¦]à In Morocco, where Cortefiel, Inditex Zara), Mango and Induyco El Corte Ingles)manufacture their products, a Tangier based textile factory sold a pair of slacks to large Spanish retailers for 3.3 euros three years ago; today, the same item sells for 2 euros. Female factory workers work 12 to 16 hours a day during the high season, because orders from Spain demand six ? ay deliveryà termsà inà orderà toà suità shopà windowà changeà schedules. â⬠(Elà Paisà Newspaper,à ââ¬Å"Mujeresà enà Aprietosâ⬠,à 10à ? 02à ? 2004) towardsà processà outsourcingà thatà respondedà toà itsà characteristicà laborà ? intensiveà production and current competitive pressures for cost reduction and flexibili ty. Sector companies had beenà forcedà toà redesignà theirà businessà strategies,à focusingà onà performanceà measurement,à new competence and skill development, product quality improvements and more strategically orientedà humanà resourcesà management.Yet,à thisà newà strategicà focusà entailedà unprecedentedà risks,à especiallyà asà regardsà laborà practices,à environmentalà careà andà unfairà competition. Asà multinationalà companiesà embarkedà onà thisà process,à multilateralà agenciesà andà globalà NGOsà hadà begunà toà lookà intoà andà reportà onà wrongfulà practicesà byà largeà corporations,à significantlyà callingà theà attentionà ofà increasinglyà sensitiveà andà awareà consumersà andà customers. Globalà societyà wasà urgingà apparelà industryà playersà toà adoptà aà moreà responsibleà attitudeà toà beà embracedà byà theirà entireà businessà valueà chain,à includingà vendorsà andà outsourcedà suppliers.Thus,à Inditexà wasà heldà responsibleà forà whatà wentà onà atà outsourcingà shopà sà ownedà byà Moroccan,à Peruvian,à Chineseà or Indianà businessmen. Thisà wasà preciselyà whyà Javierà Chercoles,à Socialà Responsibilityà Departmentà directorà atà Inditex,à wasà losingà sleep:à howà couldà theyà knowà forà sureà whatà happenedà inà overà 1,800à outsourcingà shopsà scatteredà allà aroundà theà world? Introduction Ità wasà earlyà inà Octoberà 2005,à andà theà dateà setà forà theà nextà Socialà Councilà meetingà wasà fastà approaching. Thisà advisoryà bodyà providedà counselà toà Inditexà Groupà onà corporateà socialà responsibilityà (henceà CSR)à issues.Theà upcomingà meetingà wouldà assessà theà CSRà policiesà andà programsà theà Groupà wasà developing. Theà textileà industryà inà generalà andà Inditexà ? asà anà industryà leaderà ? inà particularà wereà facingà complexà socialà challengesà thatà affectedà notà onlyà theirà imageà andà reputationà butà theirà operationsà asà well. Inditexà CSRà strategyà hadà emergedà largelyà inà responseà toà theseà challengingà issues. Theà timeà hadà comeà toà evaluateà thisà strategyââ¬â¢sà impact,à especiallyà focusingà onà outsourcedà shops,à inà orderà toà outlineà aà futureà courseà ofà action.Specifically,à Inditexà hadà launchedà aà programà inà Tangierà andà neededà toà assessà thisà experienceà andà findà aà wayà toà incorporateà ità intoà theà Groupââ¬â¢sà globalà strategy. Atà theà sameà time,à Javierà Chercolesà wonderedà whatà optionsà wereà availableà forà socialà interventionà inà developingà nations. Whatà wereà theà limitsà toà theà companyââ¬â¢sà socialà responsibility? Shouldà Inditexà striveà toà ensureà theà wellbeingà ofà itsà suppliersââ¬â¢Ã workers? Heà alsoà ponderedà theà visibilityà issueà :à Shouldà theà companyà communicateà itsà CSRà effortsà openly,à orà shouldà ità pursueà aà moreà ââ¬Å"à subtleâ⬠,à lowà ? profileà approach?Inà recentà years,à theà textileà industryà hadà becomeà highlyà globalizedà asà aà resultà ofà aà strongà trendà 1 Inditexà Groupà Evolution Byà lateà 2005,à Spainââ¬â¢sà Inditexà (Industriaà deà Disenoà Textil)à Group,à ownerà ofà severalà retailà brandsà includingà Zara,à Pullà andà Bear,à Massimoà Dutti, Bershka,à Stradivarius,à Oysho,à Zaraà Homeà andà Kiddyââ¬â¢sà Class,à wasà aà worldà leaderà inà itsà sector,à withà moreà thanà 2,600à storesà inà 62à countries. Theà firstà Zaraà storeà wasà inauguratedà inà Laà Coruna,à Spain,à inà 1975. Sinceà then,à theà companyà hadà openedà storesà inà overà 400à citiesà inà Europe,à theà Americas,à Asiaà andà Africa.Inditexà engulfedà eightà retailà chainsà withà broadà internationalà presence. Theà groupà alsoà includedà otherà companiesà associatedà withà apparelà businessà design,à manufacturingà andà distributionà operations. Groupà figuresà showà thatà Zara,à itsà oldestà andà mostà internationallyà expandedà chain,à accountedà forà 70%à ofà itsà overallà business,à withà 724à storesà locatedà inà 54à countries. Europeà wasà Inditexââ¬â¢sà coreà businessà focus,à featuringà 1,945à storesà thatà grossedà overà 80%à ofà itsà totalà sales. Inà 2005,à theà moreà thanà 1,000à storesà locatedà outsideà Spainà accountedà forà 57. %à ofà theà groupââ¬â¢sà sales,à andà storesà wereà openedà inà fourà newà markets:à Slovenia,à Slovakia,à Russiaà andà Malaysia. Mostà Inditexà storesà wereà whollyà ? ownedà andà managedà byà theà company;à franchisesà wereà onlyà 2 usedà forà 12%à ofà theà groupââ¬â¢sà pointsà ofà sale,à contributingà 10%à toà totalà storeà salesà fromà allà chains. Inditexà hadà experiencedà significantà growthà overà theà pastà fewà years,à postingà aà netà incomeà ofà â⠬à 628à millionà onà consolidatedà revenuesà ofà â⠬à 5. 67à billionà inà 2004. Asà ofà Decemberà 31,à 2005,à theà groupà hadà anà overallà headcountà ofà 58,190à employees.Amancioà Ortegaà Gaona,à founderà ofà Inditex,à startedà hisà firstà apparelà manufacturingà factory,à Confeccionesà Goa,à inà 1963. Soonà heà developedà anà interestà forà retailingà andà openedà theà firstà Zaraà S. A. store,à whichà becameà hisà firstà retailà andà distributionà company. Sinceà inception,à Zaraà wasà positionedà asà aà storeà sellingà qualityà fashionà clothingà atà reasonableà prices. Byà theà endà ofà theà 1970s,à thereà wereà halfà aà dozenà Zaraà storesà inà Galicia,à Spain. Inà 1985,à Inditexà S. A. wasà establishedà asà aà holdingà companyà atopà Zara.Sinceà then,à itsà expansionà gatheredà momentum: theà firstà storeà outsideà Spainà wasà openedà inà 1988à (inà Portugal),à and,à betweenà 1989à andà 1998,à theà companyà expandedà toà 18à additionalà countries,à developingà orà acquiringà otherà fashionà brands,à suchà asà Pullà andà Bearà andà Massimoà Dutti. Throughoutà thisà process,à theà Groupà underwentà deepà structuralà changesà andà wentà fromà beingà anà exclusivelyà Spainà ? basedà producingà chainà inà 1980à toà deploying,à byà 2005,à companyà auditedà andà certifiedà productionà centersà andà providersà inà theà Americas,à Africa,à Europeà andà Asia.Thisà newà schemeà posedà newà challengesà forà Inditex,à especiallyà inà termsà ofà labor,à socialà andà economicà concernsà regardingà itsà employees,à itsà suppliersà andà outsourcingà shops,à asà theà companyà struggledà toà upholdà theà valuesà andà principlesà inspiringà theà Groupââ¬â¢sà CSRà strategies. Zaraà wasà aà successfulà store,à andà successà bringsà visibility. Forà several,à reasons,à bothà theà mediaà andà theà NGOà communityà hadà theirà eyesà setà onà Zara,à aà factà theà companyà couldà notà ignore. cultureà basedà onà ethicsà andà respectà andà translateà intoà moreà thanà justà aestheticà moves.So,à isà Inditexà reallyà andà globallyà committedà toà CSR? (Pressà releaseà byà SETEMà NGO,à Juneà 15,à 2004)à à Inà 1992,à Leviââ¬â¢s,à aà U. S. apparelà company,à wasà accusedà ofà sellingà jeansà manufacturedà byà Chinese à immigrantsà workingà inà slaveryà ? likeà conditions. Inà 1994,à Kukdong,à aà Nikeà andà Reebokà supplier,à wasà chargedà forà violatingà laborà standardsà byà hiringà minorsà toà workà upà toà 10à hoursà aà dayà andà allowingà verbalà andà physicalà employeeà abuses. Inà 1998,à chargesà wereà broughtà againstà Adidasà forà forcingà prisonà inmatesà inà Chinaà toà workà inà despicableà conditions.Theseà precedentsà hadà drivenà largeà textileà companiesà allà overà theà worldà toà adoptà sociallyà responsibleà strategiesà andà policies. Industryà leaders,à likeà Nike,à H&M,à Benettonà andà Gap,à hadà developedà andà publishedà codesà ofà conductà thatà includedà their commitmentà toà observeà andà enforceà legalà laborà practicesà andà theà principlesà containedà inà theà Universalà Declarationà ofà Humanà Rightsà bothà atà theirà ownà productionà plantsà asà wellà asà theirà suppliersââ¬â¢. Thisà impliedà theà adoptionà ofà specificà practices,à suchà asà inspection,à audità andà evaluationà mechanismsà forà outsourcingà shops.However,à manyà NGOsà wereà stillà quiteà skepticalà whenà ità cameà toà textileà industryà practices. Especiallyà noteworthyà inà thisà regardà wasà theà Cleanà Clothesà Campaign,1à anà organizationà thatà originatedà inà Hollandà inà 1984à and,à byà 2004,à hadà alreadyà turnedà intoà anà informalà NGOà andà unionà networkà spanningà throughoutà theà world. Ità wasà devotedà toà pressingà apparelà multinationalsà toà ensureà allà theirà productsà andà servicesà wereà producedà inà accordanceà withà fairà laborà policies,à asà wellà asà toà raisingà consumerà awarenessà onà industryà abuses.Theà Cleanà Clothesà Campaignà hadà suchà aà vastà impactà inà Europeà that,à inà 1997,à theà Europeanà Parliamentà praisedà itsà workà andà recommendedà theà Europeanà Commissionà toà explicitlyà supportà thisà organization. Inà Spain,à theà Cleanà Clothesà Campaignà hadà beenà initiallyà ledà byà Setem,à aà Spanishà developmentà NGO,à andà laterà byà Intermonà Oxfam,à aà larger,à moreà establishedà organization. Bothà hadà adoptedà differingà strategiesà inà theirà dealingsà withà theà industry:à whileà Setemà pursuedà anà ongoingà andà outspokenà advocacyà strategy,à especiallyà inà theà caseà ofà Inditex, à Intermonà ?Oxfamà preferredà aà moreà collaborativeà approachà toà bothà theà entireà industryà andà Inditexà inà particular. Inà 2001,à 4 Stakeholdersââ¬â¢Ã Reactionà toà Inditexà CSRà Strategy ââ¬Å"Arteixo. ?à SETEM,à NGOà thatà coordinatesà theà Cleanà Clothesà Campaign,à willà attendà theà textileà Inditexà Groupââ¬â¢sà Generalà Shareholdersââ¬â¢Ã Meeting,à toà beà heldà tomorrowà atà Arteixoà inà Laà Coruna,à inà orderà toà questionà companyà officialsà onà primaryà issues,à suchà asà itsà Codeà ofà Co ductââ¬â¢sà failureà toà referà toà Internationalà Laborà Organizationà (ILO)à standardsà andà theà rightà toà aà fairà wage. Sinceà theà creationà ofà theà Inditexà Corporateà Socialà Responsibilityà Department,à SETEMà ? Cleanà Clothesà Campaignà hasà monitoredà theà companyââ¬â¢sà commitmentà toà laborà rights,à purchasingà practices,à managementà transparence,à etc. ?à inà short,à allà theà aspectsà thatà trulyà determineà aà businessà 3 Setemà purchasedà Inditexà stockà inà orderà toà joinà theà companyââ¬â¢sà annualà Shareholdersââ¬â¢Ã Meetings.Setemââ¬â¢sà Julyà 2004à pressà releaseà clearlyà expressedà itsà positionà onà theà company:à ââ¬Å"Inditexà ââ¬â¢sà socialà responsibilityà planà isà aà deceitfulà frontà thatà hasà enabledà theà companyà toà portrayà itselfà inà theà mediaà asà aà pioneerà inà socialà responsibilityà issuesà inà Spain. â⬠à Instead,à Intermonà Oxfam,à aà developmentà NGOà usedà toà workingà withà businessà companies,à publishedà aà report,à Modaà queà Aprietaà (Februaryà 2004),à thatà referredà specificallyà toà Inditexà inà theà followingà terms:à ââ¬Å"Thisà isà theà Spanishà apparelà groupà thatà hasà madeà moreà progressà inà CSRà issues.Itsà keyà weaknessà liesà inà itsà difficultyà toà matchà itsà aggressiveà marketingà policy,à basedà onà stringentà orderà fulfillmentà terms,à andà itsà demandà forà suppliersà toà complyà withà itsà ethicalà code. â⬠à à Currently,à Cleanà Clothesà Campaignà platformsà wereà approachingà severalà sectorà multinationalsà toà formulateà aà proposalà forà goodà practicesà inà theà textileà industry. à Inà otherà words,à someà companiesà andà NGOsà wereà tryingà toà analyzeà marketà pressuresà forcingà harshà productivity,à flexibilityà andà lowà costà strategiesà onà sectorà playersà inà anà attemptà toà minimizeà theirà negativeà impacts,à suchà asà laborà instabilityà andà unsafeà workingà conditions. Aà groupà ofà Inditexà topà executivesà recognizedà theà needà toà approachà companyà stakeholdersà meaningfullyà andà toà developà soundà CSRà strategies. Theyà believedà thatà ità wasà crucialà forà Inditexà toà setà inà placeà suitableà mechanismsà toà approachà itsà stakeholders. Theà companyà hadà alreadyà movedà inà thisà direction
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Beauty in Jane
The movie ââ¬Å"American beautyâ⬠through its very title conveys the idea that it focuses on beauty as an important concept in human relationships. One of the special instances when the idea of beauty is given a fresh interpretation is the relationship between Ricky, the next-door neighbor of the Burnham family, and Jane Burnham. The beauty Ricky sees in Jane is deep inner beauty, the beauty of the soul that exceeds the conformance of the body to popular standards.Like any other American teenage girl, Jane seems to be worried a lot about standards and conformance to those. In fact, she even considers plastic surgery to increase her breasts since she is worried about her body image. She is not even coming close to the model looks of her friend, Angela Hayes, and this makes Jane a shy and insecure girl in the company of teenagers. It is the age when people care about external beauty and want to look their idols, popular models and actresses they see in glossy magazines.It is Rick y who comes into Janeââ¬â¢s life to teach her his special understanding of beauty. The guy who thinks the floating of the plastic bag finds enough wisdom to see that Jane is special in the sense that she does not conform to standards, and this makes her especially beautiful in his eyes. Ricky has the courage to tell the wildly popular Angela in response to her phrase ââ¬Å"Well, at least I'm not ugly! â⬠things like ââ¬Å"Yes, you are.And you're boring, and you're totally ordinary, and you know itâ⬠(American Beauty). The movie teaches the audience about the kind of beauty that really makes people stand out. It is the beauty that lies in the heart. It is special and may be not seen by all people at a time, and it is exactly the kind of beauty Ricky discerned in Jane. Bibliography American Beauty. Dir. Sam Mendes. Perf. Kevin Spacey, Annette Bening, Thora Birch, Jude Law. 1999.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Pestel Retailing and China - 7657 Words
The PESTEL analysis `The PESTEL analysis stands for political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, environmental and legal analysis of forces that impact the business environment. It will be utilized to find the circumstances surrounding the market and as an instrument for understanding the market situation such as market growth/decline, business position, market potential and the direction of a companyââ¬â¢s operations. It is very important for a company to consider its environment before starting to perform activities. As a first step on the way to enter and perform successfully on the Chinese market, knowledge about the macro environment will have to be created.50 In the following the six parts of the PESTEL analysis will be presentedâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Hence China has an incredibly big population and people have got more money. This development has led China to be one of the most important economical powers worldwide, with a big potential due to the large popu lation and the high growth rates. An interesting forecast is made on China, saying that China in 2015 is expected to surpass the United States as the largest economy in the world.57 The purchasing power of the Chinese population is an important measure, when looking at the attractiveness of the market for foreign companies. An attempted determination of this can be made by comparing the development in GDP with the development in the consumer price index (CPI) which reveals the changes in consumer prices over a period. For making the comparison possible the same period of time is used.` Figure 5.1.2 Consumer buying Power 1000,0 900,0 800,0 700,0 600,0 500,0 400,0 300,0 200,0 100,0 19 85 19 78 Index(1978=100 Consumer price index GDP per capita d s 19 94 19 98 19 90 19 92 Source: - Statistical yearbook of China table 9.2 As shown the consumer prices have increased approximately 4.5 times since 1978. Compared to a GD P per capita increased 9 times and a GDP total increased 12 times, it is giving a picture of improved purchasing power in China. This makes China an interesting market for foreignShow MoreRelatedExternal Analysis1181 Words à |à 5 PagesSpirits, Perfumes amp; Cosmetics, Watches amp; Jewelry, and Selective retailing. This external analysis will focus on the fashion and leather goods sector, which accounts for 30% of the companyââ¬â¢s total revenue. 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